When you visit the Analytics dashboard, the Pages report will load by default.

Like all other reports in Independent Analytics, the Pages report includes a toolbar, Quick Stats, a chart, and a data table listing all your top pages.
As you might expect from the Pages report, it lists every page on your site that’s received as list one view in the data table.

The table includes a few metrics, like Visitors, Views, and Bounce Rate, and these columns are totally customizable.
If you click on the Edit Columns button in the toolbar, you’ll see that there are many available metrics and properties to display.

All you have to do is check (or uncheck) a box, and the table will update immediately. This allows you to view all sorts of data, like the authors and publication dates of your pages.

Sort your data
Another handy tool in the report is the ability to sort the data table. Simply click on any heading in the table to sort and reverse-sort by that column.

Sorting makes it easy to find your pages with the highest bounce rates, organize pages by author, and more.
Filter your data
If you want to dig deeper into your data, you can also make use of the filters. The filtering system allows you to narrow down the results to match specific criteria, like only pages published by a certain author.

You can also enter multiple filters at once for more specific insights.
Learn more about filters here.
What are the Page Types?
WordPress uses a handful of different page types. You are likely familiar with posts and pages, but there are also category archives, date archives, search results pages, and more. Here’s a full list of the pages types recognized and reported in the Pages Types column:
- Posts
- Pages
- Categories
- Tags
- Blog / Posts page
- Author archives
- Date archives (Year/Month/Day)
- Custom Post Types
- Custom Taxonomies
- Custom Post Type Archives
- Search results page
- 404s
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