When viewing a post or a page on your site, you’ll see a view count in the Admin Bar.

This tells you the number of views the current page has had, and if you hover your cursor over it, you’ll see the number of views from yesterday and the last thirty days as well.
The Admin Bar stats also appear in the post editor:

I don’t see the admin bar in the post editor
If you don’t see the admin bar in the post editor, this means your editor is in Fullscreen mode.
You can turn off Fullscreen mode by clicking the three dots icon in the top-right of the editor and then clicking on the Fullscreen mode option.

The admin bar will appear instantly after making this change.
How can I hide the Admin Bar stats?
If you’d prefer not to see the Admin Bar stats, you can disable them via the Settings menu.

Check the box and click the Save Settings button to disable the stats from appearing.
Who else can see the stats?
Anyone who can see the Analytics dashboard can also see the stats in the admin bar. By default, this is only for admins, but you can modify the user permissions to allow other registered account types to view the stats too.
How to change the user permissions
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