Filters are an extremely useful way to extract insights from your analytics.
To filter your data, start by clicking the Add Filter button to open the modal.

Next, select the column you want to filter your data by.

Once you’ve selected a column, you can choose an operator and enter an operand (value).
For example, if you want to filter the table to display only Posts, you would select the Page Type column, choose the “Is” operator, and select “Post” as the operand.

On the left side of the form, there is also an option to include or exclude the pages that match your criteria.

Once you’re happy with your filter, you can click the Apply button to filter your data.
The chart, table, and stats in the toolbar will update immediately to reflect the filtered group of pages.
Using multiple conditions
The previous example included one condition that required all rows to belong to Posts. You can add more conditions to your filter by clicking the Add another condition button.

The way the filter works is that it requires rows to meet all of the conditions. For example, the following filter would only show pages that were published before January 1, 2023, and have more than 400 views.

As of now, there is no option for “OR” logic e.g. show Posts or Pages that have 50 or more views. However, we will be adding this in a future update.
If you want to remove a condition you’ve added, you can click the delete button found to the right of the condition.

If the condition has already been applied, the dashboard will refresh your data right away to reflect your new filter settings.
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