If you’ve never logged into your site on mobile, it’s a lot nicer than you might expect.
The WordPress admin dashboard adapts fluidly to smaller screen sizes, and we’ve designed Independent Analytics to do the same.
To access your analytics on mobile, just login to your site and visit the Analytics menu as you normally would.
Here’s what it will look like:

For the most part, every feature works the same, but there are a couple of minor differences.
The data table will only fit 2-3 columns on the screen at once, but you can scroll both horizontally and vertically to navigate through the table. The left-most column will stay fixed in place so you always know which page the metrics are for.

The one other difference is that the campaign builder in the Pro version is not currently accessible on mobile. This is something we would like to change in a future update.
We don’t have plans to create an iPhone or Android app at this time, but that may change in the future.
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