If your site gets a lot of comments, you may want to compare your posts by how many comments they receive.
While WordPress lets you sort the Posts menu by total comments, this includes all comments ever made on your site, which means you’ll keep seeing the same posts over and over again.
If you want to compare posts by their number of recent comments, that’s easy to do with Independent Analytics.
Start by visiting the Pages report, then click on the Toggle Columns button, and lastly, check the Comments box inside the modal.

Once enabled, you’ll see the Comments column show up in the data table below, listing the number of comments each post has received.
You can then click on the Comments table heading to sort by most-to-least comments.

The number of comments you see here only includes the current date range. For instance, if you are looking at the last 30 days, only comments in the last 30 days will be counted.
This will give you a clearer picture of what posts are currently spurring the most discussion on your site.
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