One of the best reasons to use Independent Analytics is that all the data it records is YOUR data, and we want that to be available to you in all formats.
There are two different ways you can export your data to CSV.
First, click the Download Report button in the toolbar, and you’ll see these options:

If you click the Download Table CSV button, you’ll receive a CSV that includes the same data currently displayed in the data table. Any changes you make to the table, such as changing the sorting or hiding a column, will be matched in the CSV (Example CSV).
Alternatively, you can click the Download Daily Metrics CSV button, and that will give you data similar to what you see in the chart. It will include each day as a row with all of the metrics as columns (Example CSV).
There is also an option to export the report to PDF.
Exporting for backups & migrations
If you’d like to export your analytics for migration or as a backup, take a look at this article instead:
How to Migrate, Import, and Export Your Data (Staging, Local, Production)
Independent Analytics stores your analytics data in the WordPress database, so it’s compatible with all backup and migration plugins. In other words, if you have a backup plugin, the analytics data is automatically included in the backups.
There are some additional steps you’ll want to take when pushing data from a staging site to a production site, and that is covered in the article above.
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