If you’re worried about how much analytics data may be stored in your database, you can tell Independent Analytics to automatically delete old data. This will limit the total amount of data stored.
To enable this feature, visit the Analytics > Settings menu and scroll down until you see the Automatically Delete Old Data section.

To enable this feature, click on the dropdown that says, “Keep data forever,” and choose how long you’d like to store data.

Once you’ve selected how long you want to store data, click the Save button. You’ll see this popup appear asking you to confirm your selection:

Data older than the time period you selected will be deleted immediately. This process may take a few seconds or even as long as a minute or two, depending on how much data is being deleted.
Once the deletion is finished, you’ll see this notice informing you that old data will now be deleted routinely at midnight every day. This ensures that you only retain data for the specified time period.

The available time periods are:
- 30 days
- 60 days
- 90 days
- 180 days
- 1 year
- 2 years
- 3 years
- 4 years
If you leave this setting as “Keep data forever,” none of your data will be deleted.
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