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WordPress Post Analytics: How to Check the Performance of Every Blog Post You’ve Published

“Is anyone reading this?”

That’s a question everyone who’s written a blog post has asked at some point.

And it’s an important question!

If you don’t know how popular your blog posts are, you won’t know what to write about next. Not to mention, it’d be helpful to see which categories perform best and if other authors are doing well on your site.

Well, you won’t have to wonder about these things anymore.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to record your site visitors and analyze your WordPress posts all from inside your WP dashboard.

It just takes one step to get started…

How to check your post stats

Finding analytics for your posts isn’t hard, but WordPress doesn’t include statistics on its own.

In order to track the performance of your blog posts, you’ll need to install a new blog plugin, and we recommend Independent Analytics for that.

Install Independent Analytics

Independent Analytics is our free analytics solution built exclusively for WordPress.

Independent Analytics plugin

It’s much easier to install and use than Google Analytics. Plus, it doesn’t violate GDPR regulations and loads much faster.

To install Independent Analytics, you can download it from our homepage and install it following these steps. Or, you can search for it by name in your Plugins > Add New menu and install it there.

Once it’s activated, it will start recording visits to your blog posts automatically.

Check your views & visitors

With Independent Analytics installed, you’ll find a new Analytics menu added to the top of your admin sidebar.

Analytics menu item

In this menu, there’s a complete analytics dashboard that tells you how many views and visitors your site has, a chart showing views/visitors each day, and a data table listing every page that’s received a visit.

Independent Analytics dashboard

Please note: your visitors won’t be recorded until after you install Independent Analytics,

Just by glancing at this page, you’ll get a good feel for how popular your site is, and you can see which pages get the most visits.

But you can take things even further to find out which blog posts are performing the best…

How to analyze your blog posts

Independent Analytics includes filters that allow you to review specific pages on your site. For example, you can filter the results to show views for blog posts only.

Page type filter selected
The Page Type filter can also show you views for Pages, Search Results, 404 pages, and CPTs

You can also filter by the post title, author, category, and publish date.

Once you apply a filter, the data table and chart will update right away, and you’ll see a comparison of your filtered data VS unfiltered data in the Quick Stats.

Unfiltered quick stats

As you can see, Independent Analytics makes it easy to review the traffic to your blog posts.

Before we wrap things up, there’s one more blog post analytics tool you should know about.

How to check author & category stats

It’s great to see which blog posts on your site are most popular, but you might also want to discover the following:

  • Which categories are most successful
  • Which authors get the most views
  • How well older content is performing

These questions can be answered quickly by using the filters. For example, you can filter your data by Page Type as well as by Category to see only the performance of posts in a particular category.

Filtered data

This will let you see your WordPress stats by category so you can discover which topics you should write about more often (and those you should give less attention to).

Get started today

Getting access to the right data can make all the difference in how you run your blog.

But you won’t have any WordPress post analytics until you start tracking your visitors. The good news is that installing Independent Analytics only takes a moment, and then every visit to your site will be recorded.

Get started with Independent Analytics

Learn more Click to download

Since Independent Analytics is free and has virtually zero impact on your site’s performance, there’s no risk in trying it out.

I hope this guide on WordPress blog post analytics taught you a thing or two, and if you have any questions, drop a comment below.