If you’re using Pantheon, you’ll see an error message like this when you first install Independent Analytics:
BladeOne Error [Compiling]:
Unable to save the file [/code/wp-content/plugins/independent-analytics-pro/temp/template-cache/partials.report-header_4f3062d1c7ff949f2bb7ee5fc8c000f4f591cf45.bladec].
This error occurs because Independent Analytics creates a handful of files for caching purposes inside a folder called “temp” in the plugin folder, and this directory is not writable in Pantheon environments.
For this reason, we have provided a filter that will let you modify where the caching files are written. Here’s how it is used:
add_filter('iawp_temp_directory_path', function ($value) { return '/code/wp-content/uploads/iawp/'; });
Alternatively, you can define the path using the IAWP_TEMP_DIR constant in your wp-config.php file, like this:
define('IAWP_TEMP_DIR', '/code/wp-content/uploads/iawp/');
Independent Analytics will create two folders named template-cache and device-data-cache inside the target path you provide.
The example above uses the uploads folder because this is writable in Pantheon, but you can choose any directory path you want.
The nature of these cache files is to speed up the analytics dashboard and user device recognition on the front end.
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