Update: product updates are now published on our Changelog here.
Version 1.6 brings a major new addition to Independent Analytics: a new Visitors metric!
Once you update to v1.6, you’ll see an updated UI that includes both Views and Visitors.

As you can see, the addition of Visitors also came with a refresh to the interface, which is looking cleaner than ever.
Your total Views and Visitors are displayed above the chart, and the chart itself includes a daily tally. You can hover your cursor over any day to get the exact counts.
If you filter your data, you’ll also see that the original values are retained for easy comparison with the filtered metrics.

And as you might expect, the addition of Visitors also means that you can now filter your data by the number of Visitors your pages have received:

Cleaner URLs
In previous versions, Independent Analytics included the full URLs in the data table.
We found that this data was pretty redundant. These are obviously all URLs on your site, so the full URL doesn’t need to be included. Removing the domain from the URL made this data much cleaner and easier to scan:

Leave us a review
Another small update is the addition of a button in the header asking for reviews.

And this leads me to my question for today:
Could you take a moment to leave us a review?
If you are enjoying Independent Analytics on your website, this would be an awesome way to say “thanks!”
What’s in store for 1.7?
As alluded to in the version 1.5 update, we are working on a Saved Reports interface that is going to greatly change how you use Independent Analytics.
It’s going to look something like this:

With Saved Reports, you’ll be able to filter your data, edit the columns, sort however you want, and then save that exact report so it can be loaded again later. This will make it easy to pull up insights that are highly specific to your organization.
We hope to have that available in version 1.7, so stay tuned for the next update!